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Date | Open | Close | High | Low |
2022-04-20 | $3.46 | $3.36 | $3.85 | $3.31 |
2022-04-21 | $3.36 | $3.12 | $3.59 | $2.98 |
2022-04-22 | $3.12 | $3.18 | $3.28 | $3.05 |
2022-04-23 | $3.18 | $3.15 | $3.45 | $3.11 |
2022-04-24 | $3.15 | $3.37 | $3.39 | $3.14 |
2022-04-25 | $3.37 | $3.32 | $3.39 | $3.13 |
2022-04-26 | $3.32 | $3.34 | $3.48 | $3.17 |
2022-04-27 | $3.34 | $3.81 | $3.95 | $3.24 |
2022-04-28 | $3.81 | $3.76 | $4.17 | $3.57 |
2022-04-29 | $3.76 | $3.82 | $4.14 | $3.43 |
2022-04-30 | $3.82 | $3.51 | $4.05 | $3.45 |
2022-05-01 | $3.51 | $3.44 | $3.60 | $3.31 |
2022-05-02 | $3.44 | $3.25 | $3.55 | $3.14 |
2022-05-03 | $3.25 | $3.25 | $3.45 | $3.19 |
2022-05-04 | $3.25 | $3.34 | $3.41 | $3.17 |
2022-05-05 | $3.34 | $2.74 | $3.40 | $2.55 |
2022-05-06 | $2.74 | $2.52 | $2.75 | $2.35 |
2022-05-07 | $2.52 | $2.56 | $2.83 | $2.39 |
2022-05-08 | $2.56 | $2.72 | $2.77 | $2.46 |
2022-05-09 | $2.72 | $1.78 | $2.75 | $1.77 |
Pair | Exchange |
GMT/AED | btse |
GMT/AUD | btse |
GMT/BITRUE | bitrue |
GMT/BNB | binance |
GMT/BNB | nominex |
GMT/BRL | mercadobitcoin |
GMT/BTC | binance |
GMT/BTC | btse |
GMT/BTC | coinex |
GMT/BTC | coinzix |
GMT/BTC | hitbtc |
GMT/BTC | nominex |
GMT/BTC | upbit |
GMT/BTC | xtpub |
GMT/BUSD | binance |
GMT/BUSD | bitrue |
GMT/BUSD | nominex |
GMT/BUSD | p2pb2b |
GMT/CAD | btse |
GMT/CHF | btse |
Mercury Protocol enables the creation of decentralized communication platforms. Mercury Protocol integrated platforms will be able to integrate Global Messaging Tokens (GMT) into their ecosystem. GMT is an Ethereum-based ERC20 token that serves as currency on these ecosystems.