$6B scam accused in court, China loophole for Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs: Asia Express

$6B scam accused in court, China loophole for Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs: Asia Express

There’s only one way left for Chinese nationals to access the Hong Kong Bitcoin ETFs, $6B scam accused in court, and more: Asia Express.

Filecoin Foundation Launches  Legal Inquiry Into STFIL Incident In China

Filecoin Foundation Launches Legal Inquiry Into STFIL Incident In China

Filecoin Foundation, a nonprofit that promotes the development of Web3 storage protocol Filecoin, “has a lawyer in China” and is investigating the rep...

China To Carry Out Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP Price Inflation: Report

China To Carry Out Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP Price Inflation: Report

China may be about to explode in XRP, Ethereum, and Bitcoin prices with the latest launch of ETF. Forbes reports that crypto investors already anticip...

China’s yuan overtakes United States’ dollar in global markets

China’s yuan overtakes United States’ dollar in global markets

The tussle over global currency dominance has ramped up, with the Chinese yuan charging ahead of the US dollar. The yuan is making significant strides...

Germany’s economy is still doing bad – and now China is in it

Germany’s economy is still doing bad – and now China is in it

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz touched down in Chongqing, China, on a crisp Sunday morning. The scene was set by the Chinese state broadcaster CCTV as...

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