Most Altcoins in ‘Historic Position’ to Rally As Traders Realize Heavy Losses Over the Past Month: Santiment

Most Altcoins in ‘Historic Position’ to Rally As Traders Realize Heavy Losses Over the Past Month: Santiment

Analytics firm Santiment says the majority of altcoins look set to ignite rallies after a month-long crypto correction. Santiment says that the ongoin...

Watch Out: 26 Altcoins Have Massive Token Unlocks in the New Week – Here’s the Day-by-Day, Hour-by-Hour List

Watch Out: 26 Altcoins Have Massive Token Unlocks in the New Week – Here’s the Day-by-Day, Hour-by-Hour List

According to the data, the cryptocurrency market will witness a large amount of token unlocking in 26 major altcoins in the new week. Continue Reading...

Ethereum Sentiment Hits New Lows as Investors Turn to Altcoins

Ethereum Sentiment Hits New Lows as Investors Turn to Altcoins

Recent reports suggest that investor confidence in Ethereum (ETH) is dwindling as the cryptocurrency fails to keep pace with Bitcoin’s impressive gain...

Exploring the Phenomenon of Zombie Altcoins

Exploring the Phenomenon of Zombie Altcoins

Forbes lists 20 altcoins with minimal transaction activity. Despite high market values, these coins lack significant utility. Continue Reading: Explor...

“Interest in Ethereum is waning,” Analyst Says, Revealing the Altcoin That’s Gaining Interest Instead of ETH

“Interest in Ethereum is waning,” Analyst Says, Revealing the Altcoin That’s Gaining Interest Instead of ETH

A cryptocurrency analyst claimed that investors are losing interest in Ethereum and are turning to another altcoin instead. Continue Reading: “Interes...

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