Makerdao Co-Founder Rune Christensen: Defi Frontends Might Need Licenses to Operate in Europe

Makerdao Co-Founder Rune Christensen: Defi Frontends Might Need Licenses to Operate in Europe

Rune Christensen, a co-founder of the Makerdao project, has warned about the possible disruptions linked to hypothetical EU-wide requirements for defi...

MakerDAO Eyes $600M DAI Investment in USDe and sUSDe

MakerDAO Eyes $600M DAI Investment in USDe and sUSDe

MakerDAO is reportedly considering a substantial investment of $600 million in DAI into USDe and staked USDe (sUSDe) via Morpho Labs’ DeFi lending pro...

MakerDAO’s Endgame Launch Sparks $MKR Price Surge And Whale Activity

MakerDAO’s Endgame Launch Sparks $MKR Price Surge And Whale Activity

The unveiling of MakerDAO’s Endgame Launch has sent the price of $MKR soaring, with the cryptocurrency experiencing a notable surge of over 10% in val...

MakerDAO Makes Temporary Fee Adjustments for DAI Amidst Market Volatility

MakerDAO Makes Temporary Fee Adjustments for DAI Amidst Market Volatility

MakerDAO, the organization behind the popular stablecoin Dai (DAI), has implemented temporary fee adjustments to its protocol in response to recent ma...

MakerDAO dominates Ethereum lending with 52% market share

MakerDAO dominates Ethereum lending with 52% market share

MakerDAO, Ethereum's first defi lending protocol, has captured a 52% share in the ETH lending market.

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