May preview: $1.25 billion Pyth unlock leads major token unlocks from Avalanche, Aptos, Arbitrum, and more

May preview: $1.25 billion Pyth unlock leads major token unlocks from Avalanche, Aptos, Arbitrum, and more

Here are all the crypto projects are unlocking hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tokens in the month of May.

Uniswap On Arbitrum Nears $150 Billion In Swap Volume

Uniswap On Arbitrum Nears $150 Billion In Swap Volume

Uniswap, one of the world’s largest decentralized exchanges (DEX) by total value locked (TVL), is approaching a major milestone on Arbitrum, the large...

Arbitrum Launches Fraud Proofs In Testnet: Why Is ARB Down?

Arbitrum Launches Fraud Proofs In Testnet: Why Is ARB Down?

Arbitrum, the largest Ethereum layer-2 scaling solution by total value locked (TVL), is taking steps towards decentralization. In an update on April 1...

Cronos & Arbitrum Traders Swiftly Buy into Fezoo’s 800% Return Predictions Eyeing the Exchange’s Presale Entry

Cronos & Arbitrum Traders Swiftly Buy into Fezoo’s 800% Return Predictions Eyeing the Exchange’s Presale Entry

Fezoo's presale draws Cronos and Arbitrum traders, with 800% return predictions fueling rapid buy-in. The post Cronos & Arbitrum Traders Swiftly Buy i...

Despite the Volatility of Cronos & Arbitrum Fezoo’s Exchange Platform Promises Explosive Growth Sparking Investor Interest

Despite the Volatility of Cronos & Arbitrum Fezoo’s Exchange Platform Promises Explosive Growth Sparking Investor Interest

Amid volatility in Cronos and Arbitrum, Fezoo's exchange platform presale sparks explosive growth interest. The post Despite the Volatility of Cronos...

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