Breaking: Consensys Fights for Ethereum, Sues SEC to Block Regulation

Breaking: Consensys Fights for Ethereum, Sues SEC to Block Regulation

Ethereum developer Consensys has initiated a lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the District Court for the Northern...

Stablecoin Regulation: Legal Veteran Kicks Against Lummis-Backed Bill

Stablecoin Regulation: Legal Veteran Kicks Against Lummis-Backed Bill

There is contention that the new stablecoin regulation Bill, co-sponsored by Senators Cynthia Lummis and Kirsten Gillibrand may contribute significant...

Hong Kong’s Securities Association Tips Authorities On Crypto Self-Regulation

Hong Kong’s Securities Association Tips Authorities On Crypto Self-Regulation

The Hong Kong Securities and Futures Professional Association (HKSFPA) has recommended the creation of an independent self-governing organization for...

Norway to Target Cryptocurrency Mining Through Data Center Regulation

Norway to Target Cryptocurrency Mining Through Data Center Regulation

Norway has recently announced its intention of enacting a data center-focused law, which seeks to exert more control over the operations performed at...

UBS expansion plans ruined by new Swiss bank capital regulations

UBS expansion plans ruined by new Swiss bank capital regulations

UBS might need to slow its roll because Switzerland’s finance honchos just rolled out some tough new rules that’ll make it pricier for the bank to gro...

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